Halo guys, ketemu lagi sama aku. Kali ini aku mau ngereview cushion yang pernah ngehits di Korea sama di Indonesia, yup apalagi kalo bukan Aprilskin Black Magic Snow Cushion.
Aku belum pernah tau merk Aprilskin sebelumnya, aku cuma tau Etude House, Innisfree, The Face Shop, dll karena pengetahuanku hanya sebatas itu ya pemirsa. Tapi gara-gara aku keracunan review cushion ini pas baca-baca blognya Kak Elin, aku jadi penasaran banget sama cushion ini, katanya sih beneran ajaib. Yuk kita bahas. Keep scrolling.
Hello guys, meet me again. This time I want to review a cushion that has been crushed in Korea and in Indonesia, especially if it's not Aprilskin Black Magic Snow Cushion.
I have never known the Aprilskin brand before, I only know Etude House, Innisfree, The Face Shop, etc. because my knowledge is only limited, yes viewers. But because I poisoned this cushion review when I read Sis Elin's blog, I was really curious about this cushion, she said it was truly magical. Let us discuss. Keep scrolling.
Hello guys, meet me again. This time I want to review a cushion that has been crushed in Korea and in Indonesia, especially if it's not Aprilskin Black Magic Snow Cushion.
I have never known the Aprilskin brand before, I only know Etude House, Innisfree, The Face Shop, etc. because my knowledge is only limited, yes viewers. But because I poisoned this cushion review when I read Sis Elin's blog, I was really curious about this cushion, she said it was truly magical. Let us discuss. Keep scrolling.
As you can see, packagingnya super simple, casenya warna hitam dan cuma ada tulisan APRILSKIN di bagian depan (bagian belakangnya lupa saya foto gaes😂). Kerdusnya juga simple banget, tapi juga tetep elegan, gak keliatan murahan. Puffnya juga warna hitam tapi agak grey gitu di bagian depannya, di bagian belakang warnanya mirip sama casenya.
Untuk penjelasan dan komposisi di jelasin di bagian belakang kerdusnya. Tapi rata-rata pake Hangeul semua (kecuali komposisi). Gabisa baca yawlah, percuma. Merasa bodoh akutuh.
As you can see, the packaging is super simple, the case is black and only has APRILSKIN written on the front (the back forgot I took a picture of it). The box is also very simple, but also elegant, doesn't look cheap. The puff is also black but rather gray on the front, the back color is the same as the case.
For explanation and composition explained in the back of the box. But on average use all Hangeul (except composition). I can't read it well, it's useless. I feel so stupid.
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Bagian belakang, isinya penjelasan produk dll. Tapi pake Hangeul semua😂 The back side, the contents are description of the product etc. But all using Hangeul😂 |
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Bagian samping, ingredients. The side area, ingredients. |
Cushion ini punya 3 shade yaitu #21 Light Beige, #22 Pink Beige, dan #23 Natural Beige.
This cushion have 3 different shade, they are #21 Light Beige, #22 Pink Beige, and #23 Natural Beige.
Aku milih yang #23 Natural Beige. Karena itu shade paling gelap diantara yang lain. Awalnya aku bimbang banget pas mau beli ini, aku takut shadenya gak masuk di kulitku dan bikin mukaku jadi abu-abu. Tapi akhirnya kebeli juga karena rasa penasaran yang tertanam pada dirikuh menjadi semakin kuat (ah apasih_-).
I choose #23 Natural Beige. Because that's the only shade that match my skintone and the darkerst shade. I was so worried at first, what if the shade doesn't match my skintone and make my face look ashy? But finally I bought it because my curiousity killed my doubt.
Warnanya cantik gak sih😍. Pas pertama buka cushion ini gausah kaget ya kalo cushionnya masih putih, kalian tinggal pencet aja cushionnya pake puff nya, ntar juga rata sendiri😂. Punyaku udah gak putih lagi soalnya udah sering aku pake. Puff nya bersih dong ya, habis di cuci soalnya😂.
When I open this cushion for the first time, I'm a little bit shock because the cushion still clean. But don't worry, just press the cushion using the puff and voila, the product will fulfill the puff.
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Aw kecolek |
Colek dikit gapapa kan ya, kan punya sendiri bukan punyanya orang haha.
Oh iya, Aprilskin Magic Cushion ini punya 3 line yang fungsinya berbeda, yaitu:
1. Black untuk kulit berminyak dan kombinasi. Ini yang coveragenya paling bagus
2. White untuk kulit kering, moisturizing dan medium coverage
3. Pink untuk kulit kering juga, tapi ini lebih ke tone corrector alias bikin putih banget, gak se natural yang black.
Jadi kalo mau beli cushion ini bisa disesuaikan sesuai jenis kulit kalian dan sesuai kebutuhan kalian.
This brand has 3 different line and has different function.
1. Black for oily - combination skin. It has the most good coverage among all line
2. White for dry skin. It has moisturizing finish and medium coverage
3. Pink also for dry skin. But this is a tone corrector so it doesn't look natural as the black one.
If you're interest to try this product, make sure you choose the line based on your skin needs and condition.
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Swatch |
Aku coba swatch di tangan hasilnya gak jauh beda sama kulitku, sesuai banget sama klaimnya yg so natural. Aku juga seneng dong shade nya masuk di skintone ku wkwk. Untuk coverage nya menurutku gak dewa banget, ya bagus lah, lumayan. Gabisa full coverage kaya foundation.
Kalo menurutku coverage nya lebih cocok buat nutupin kemerahan daripada dark spot. Karena pas aku pake ke wajah berapa layer pun tetep gabisa nutup bekas jerawatku yg hitam, tapi yg merah-merah ketutup dengan sempurna👌.
I tried to swatch it on my hand and there's no big difference with my skin, in accordance with the claims that are so natural. I also like the shade, which goes into my skintone. For the coverage, I don't think it's really god, it's good, not bad.
I think the coverage is more suitable for covering the reddish than the dark spot. Because just when I use on my face, I can't cover my black acne scars, but the red one closes perfectly👌.
Meskipun klaim nya buat kulit oily, tapi cushion ini hasilnya gak matte. Hasilnya lebih ke dewy gitu, tapi gak menimbulkan minyak. Aku sih suka-suka aja sama hasil yang kaya gitu, cuma entah kenapa gak mantep aja gitu loh. Mau di blot pake tisu ntar kehapus, jadinya belang, kan gak lucu ya.
Kalo kalian mau hasil yang matte, kalian bisa nge set pake bedak tabur. Inget ya, bedak tabur, jangan bedak padat. Kalo pake bedak padat jatuhnya malah makin berat dan gak keliatan natural, kecuali kalian pake bedak padat yang translucent (transparan) hasilnya akan tetap natural.
Altough its claims for oily skin, this cushion is not matte. The result is more dewy, but not oily. I just like the finish but yeah, if you want to blot it with tissue, it's going to erase, it's streaked, isn't it funny?
If you want a matte finish, you can set using loose powder. Remember, loose powder, do not use compact. If you use compact powder, it will be look heavier and does not look natural, unless you use translucent (transparent) compact powder, the results will remain natural.
Harga cushion ini menurutku cukup mahal😭, sekitar 200ribu an. Tapi menurutku kualitasnya sebanding lah sama harganya, gak mengecewakan banget. Kalo kalian mau beli cushion ini aku saranin kalian beli di toko-toko terpercaya karena udah banyak produk palsunya. Waspada juga kalo ada yang jual produk ini dengan harga dibawah normal (kebanyakan harga dibawah 150ribu).
The price of this cushion is quite expensive, in my opinion, around Rp 200.000 (around $14). But I think the quality is comparable to the price, not very disappointing. If you want to buy this cushion I suggest you buy it in trusted stores because there are already many fake products. Also be wary if anyone sells this product at a price below normal (most prices are under Rp 150.000 or around $10).
Overall, aku suka banget sama ini. Tapi aku gak pake ini everyday karena aku masih belum butuh begitu banyak makeup, jadi ini aku pake pas aku hangout atau pas ke kondangan aja😂 (baca: irit). Sayangnya, cushion ini gak ada refill nya. Jadi kalo habis ya dengan sangat terpaksa harus beli baru.
Overall, I really like this cushion. But I don't use it everyday because I still don't need so much makeup, so I use this cushion when I hang out or just fit in on invitation.
Unfortunately, this cushion has no refill. So, if the cushion runs out, you really have to buy it.
What I Love:
-Coverage bagus (bisa nutup kemerahan, tapi dark spot tetep terpampang cantik)
-Hasil dewy tapi gak bikin minyakan
-Tahan Lama
-Kemasannya simple dan elegan
-Good coverage even dark spot still visible
-Dewy finish
-Long lasting
-It has simple but elegant packaging
What I Hate:
-Harganya mahal😭
-Gaada refill (Dear Aprilskin, I need some refill)😭
-Gabisa nutup dark spot meskipun udah dipakein beberapa layer
-Gaada store offline, harus beli online dan harus pinter milih karena udah banyak KW nya.
-A bit pricey
-No refill
-No offline store or official store
Repurchase? Yes.
Where to Buy? Kalian bisa beli di online shop yang terpercaya atau bisa juga beli di website luar negeri yang menyediakan pengiriman luar negeri seperti YesStyle dan gunakan kode diskonku 'FIRDASKIN30' untuk mendapatkan diskon.
You can buy this product at trusted online shop or on website that provides worldwide shipping such as YesStyle and use my code 'FIRDASKIN30' to get a discount.
Sekian dari aku. Aku harap review ini membantu. Jangan lupa share ke social media kalian kalau kalian rasa reviewku sangat membantu kalian. Thank you for reading and I'll see you on my next post, Bye.
That's all. I hope this review helps. Don't forget to share to your social media if you feel that my review is very helpful for you. Thank you for reading and I'll see you on my next post, Bye.
That's all. I hope this review helps. Don't forget to share to your social media if you feel that my review is very helpful for you. Thank you for reading and I'll see you on my next post, Bye.
*Review ini ditulis sesuai dengan pengalamanku saat menggunakan produknya. Tidak ada yang aku lebih atau kurangkan, semuanya aku tulis berdasarkan pengalaman yang aku rasakan. Hasil di setiap orang mungkin berbeda.
* This review is written according to my experience when using the product. There is nothing more or less, everything I write based on the experience that I feel. The results in each person may vary.
With love,
Aku juga sempat kepikiran beli ini, tapi takut shadenya jadi abu-abu. Belum lagi belinya harus online, Was-was produk KW juga.
Aku juga gitu, takut jadi abu-abu. Tapi ternyata warnanya masuk banget.
HapusIya nih, harus pinter-pinter nyari seller yang bener-bener jujur. Kadang harga sama-sama mahal tapi ada yang KW😭