Pecinta clay mask mana suaranya. Di postingan kali ini aku mau bahas clay mask yang harganya super terjangkau, yap apalagi kalo bukan produk dari Himalaya Herbals.
Buat kalian yang belum tau apa sih Himalaya Herbals, aku mau ngasih sedikit penjelasan. Jadi, Himalaya Herbals ini merupakan merk dari India dan udah lama ada di Indonesia, tapi dulu sempat menghilang dari peredaran dan akhirnya mereka muncul lagi dengan formasi yang lebih lengkap (maksudku produk-produknya ya). Nah, pas muncul lagi, merk ini jadi perbincangan di kalangan beauty blogger di Indonesia dan langsung naik daun karena banyak yang bilang kalo produk-produk dari Himalaya Herbals itu bagus banget dan worth to try.
Himalaya Herbals ini mengklaim produknya terbuat dari bahan-bahan herbal dan cruelty free. Harganya juga cukup terjangkau dan gampang ditemuin di supermarket.
Okay, kita review produknya yuk. Keep scrolling.
In this post I want to review a super affordable clay mask, it's from Himalaya Herbals.
For those of you who don't know what Himalayan Herbals are, I want to give a little explanation. So, Himalaya Herbals is a brand from India and has been in Indonesia for a long time, but in the past it disappeared from circulation and finally they reappeared with more complete formations. Well, when it emerged again, this brand became a conversation among beauty bloggers in Indonesia because many said that the products from the Himalaya Herbals were really good and worth to try.
These Himalaya Herbals claim their products are made from herbal ingredients and cruelty free. The price is also quite affordable and easy to find at the supermarket.
Okay, let's review the product. Keep scrolling.
In this post I want to review a super affordable clay mask, it's from Himalaya Herbals.
For those of you who don't know what Himalayan Herbals are, I want to give a little explanation. So, Himalaya Herbals is a brand from India and has been in Indonesia for a long time, but in the past it disappeared from circulation and finally they reappeared with more complete formations. Well, when it emerged again, this brand became a conversation among beauty bloggers in Indonesia because many said that the products from the Himalaya Herbals were really good and worth to try.
These Himalaya Herbals claim their products are made from herbal ingredients and cruelty free. The price is also quite affordable and easy to find at the supermarket.
Okay, let's review the product. Keep scrolling.
Aku bahas packaging nya dulu ya, menurutku packaging nya simple banget. Cuma tube warna putih dan tutupnya warna ijo😂. Ada merk, nama produk dan klaim produk juga di bagian atas, ada gambar daun neem atau daun nimba yang katanya bagus buat kulit berjerawat.
Masker ini mengkalim bisa membantu merawat kulit berjerawat. Masker ini mengandung ekstrak daun nimba dan kunyit.
I think the packaging is very simple. It's just a white tube and green lid. There are brands, product names and product claims also at the top, there are pictures of neem leaves which are said to be good for acne prone skin.
This mask claims can help treat acne prone skin. This mask contains neem leaf extract and turmeric.
This mask claims can help treat acne prone skin. This mask contains neem leaf extract and turmeric.
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Cus ke bagian belakang. Di bagian belakang produk ini dijelasin tentang merk Himalaya Herbals, manfaat produk, cara pemakaian dan komposisi (kurleb seperti itu).
Seperti yang aku baca di deskripsi produknya, masker ini bilang kalo dia bisa mengatasi minyak berlebih pada wajah, membersihkan pori-pori yang tersumbat dan merawat kulit yang berjerawat.
Masker ini masih mengandung paraben dan parfum. Buat kalian yang menghindari paraben, aku gak rekomen masker ini buat kalian. Kalo aku sih gak masalah, karena ya wajar lah tiap produk ada pengawetnya asal pengawetnya memang aman untuk digunakan dan sesuai takaran.
At the back of this product packaging, it is explained about the Himalaya Herbals brand, the benefits of the product, how to use it and its ingredients.
As I read in the product description, this mask says that if it can deal with excess oil on the face, cleanse clogged pores and treat acne prone skin.
This mask still contains parabens and perfume. For those of you who avoid parabens, I don't recommend this mask for you. For me, it doesn't matter..
At the back of this product packaging, it is explained about the Himalaya Herbals brand, the benefits of the product, how to use it and its ingredients.
As I read in the product description, this mask says that if it can deal with excess oil on the face, cleanse clogged pores and treat acne prone skin.
This mask still contains parabens and perfume. For those of you who avoid parabens, I don't recommend this mask for you. For me, it doesn't matter..
Tekstur masker ini agak cair, gak kental kayak clay mask pada umumnya. Warnanya hijau tapi agak gelap (gatau kek gimana, aku gak paham😂). Baunya menurutku agak aneh, mungkin itu bau daun nimba (?). Baunya kaya bau ramuan herbal/jamu tapi kuat banget, aku yakin itu pasti karena kandungan parfumnya.
The texture of this mask is rather runny, not thick like a clay mask in general. The color is green but rather dark (I don't know howto say it). I think the smell is a bit strange, maybe it's the smell of neem leaves (?). The smell is rich in the smell of herbal ingredients/herbs but very strong, I'm sure it must be because of the perfume.
The texture of this mask is rather runny, not thick like a clay mask in general. The color is green but rather dark (I don't know howto say it). I think the smell is a bit strange, maybe it's the smell of neem leaves (?). The smell is rich in the smell of herbal ingredients/herbs but very strong, I'm sure it must be because of the perfume.
Pas dipake diwajah, masker ini bener-bener kering dan bikin ketarik, aku juga ngerasa masker ini agak perih pas dipake. Menurutku wanginya agak sedikit mengganggu, tapi setelah masker dioleskan wanginya perlahan-lahan hilang.
When I use it on the face, this mask is really dry and makes the skin feel tight. I also feel this mask is a bit sore when using it. I think the fragrance is a bit annoying, but after the mask is applied the fragrance slowly disappears.
When I use it on the face, this mask is really dry and makes the skin feel tight. I also feel this mask is a bit sore when using it. I think the fragrance is a bit annoying, but after the mask is applied the fragrance slowly disappears.
Aku biasanya pakai masker ini sebulan 2x kalo gak mager wkwk. Karena ini clay mask dan hasilnya bener-bener ngilangin minyak, that's why aku pakenya se-minimal mungkin untuk menghindari dehidrasi kulit. Masker ini juga agak susah dibilas jika terlalu kering, jadi saranku pakainya jangan terlalu lama biar gak kering dan gak susah pas dibilas.
I usually wear this mask twice a month if it doesn't work. Because this is a clay mask and the result is really eliminating oil, that's why I use it as much as possible to avoid skin dehydration. This mask is also rather difficult to rinse if it is too dry, so I recommend not to use it too long so it doesn't dry out and it's not difficult to rinse.
Untuk efek mencerahkan menurutku ada banget, terbukti setelah pakai masker ini kulitku keliatan cerah. Tapi untuk merawat kulit berjerawat menurutku gak work sama sekali. Aku udah pakai masker ini seminggu 3x pas kulitku lagi berjerawat parah, dan hasilnya tetep nol. Jujur ya kecewa banget akutuh, udah berharap banyak tapi gaada hasil. Maybe di kulit kalian masker ini bisa jadi penyelamat saat jerawatan, aku juga gatau karena kulit setiap orang berbeda, jadi jangan takut nyoba ya.
I feel the brightening effect on my skin, proven after wearing this mask my skin looks bright. But to treat acne prone skin does not work at all. I've been wearing this mask 3 times a week when my skin has severe breakouts, and the results are zero. Honestly, I was really disappointed, I had hoped a lot, but it didn't work. Maybe on your skin this mask can be a savior when it is spotty, I also don't know because everyone's skin is different, so don't be afraid to try it.
I feel the brightening effect on my skin, proven after wearing this mask my skin looks bright. But to treat acne prone skin does not work at all. I've been wearing this mask 3 times a week when my skin has severe breakouts, and the results are zero. Honestly, I was really disappointed, I had hoped a lot, but it didn't work. Maybe on your skin this mask can be a savior when it is spotty, I also don't know because everyone's skin is different, so don't be afraid to try it.
What I Love:
-Harganya super murah
-Gampang dijumpai di supermarket terdekat
-Efek mencerahkannya amazing di kulitku
-Kemasannya praktis
-Affordable price
-Easy to find
-Has a great brightening effect on my skin
-practical packaging
-Affordable price
-Easy to find
-Has a great brightening effect on my skin
-practical packaging
What I Hate:
-Terlalu kering di kulitkuðŸ˜
-Gak work sama sekali buat jerawat (maybe cuma di kulitku aja ya)
-Pas dipake agak perih
-It's too dry for my skin
-It doesn't work for acne
-A little bit itchy when I use it
-It's too dry for my skin
-It doesn't work for acne
-A little bit itchy when I use it
Where to Buy:
Supermarket/minimarket, Watsons, Guardian, online shop, dll.
Sekian dari aku. Aku harap review ini membantu. Jangan lupa share ke social media kalian kalau kalian rasa reviewku sangat membantu kalian. Thank you for reading and I'll see you on my next post, Bye.
That's all. I hope this review helps. Don't forget to share to your social media if you feel that my review is very helpful for you. Thank you for reading and I'll see you on my next post, Bye.
That's all. I hope this review helps. Don't forget to share to your social media if you feel that my review is very helpful for you. Thank you for reading and I'll see you on my next post, Bye.
*Review ini ditulis sesuai dengan pengalamanku saat menggunakan produknya. Tidak ada yang aku lebih atau kurangkan, semuanya aku tulis berdasarkan pengalaman yang aku rasakan. Hasil di setiap orang mungkin berbeda.
* This review is written according to my experience when using the product. There is nothing more or less, everything I write based on the experience that I feel. The results in each person may vary.
With love,
Aku udah banyak baca mengeneai masker ini dan direkomendasiin sama banyak orang tapi aku masih ragu mau nyobain. Kalau hanya bisa buat cerah di muka kayanya aku masih mikir2 lagi deh kalao mau beli.
Efeknya berbeda di setiap kulit, beauty blogger lain bilang kalo masker ini bagus dan bisa nyembuhin jerawat. Tapi di kulitku efek nyembuhin jerawatnya kurang, jadi cuma ngasih efek cerah aja, kan jadi sedih akutu.
HapusCoba aja say, siapa tau cocok di kamu. Harganya juga murah, gak rugi pokoknya beli ini.
Btw thanks udah berkunjung ke blog ku😊