Gak terasa ya kalau kita harus say goodbye sama tahun 2019, gak percaya aja gitu kalau 2019 berakhir dengan sangat cepat. Karena tahun 2019 sudah berakhir, aku berniat membuat daftar produk yang menjadi favoritku di tahun 2019. Aku membuat daftar ini supaya kalian keracunan, hihihi. Langsung aja ke list yang pertama yuk.
I can't believe that we have to say goodbye to 2019 and just don't believe it if 2019 ends very quickly. Since 2019 is over, I intend to make a list of my favorite products in 2019. Let's just go to the first list.
I can't believe that we have to say goodbye to 2019 and just don't believe it if 2019 ends very quickly. Since 2019 is over, I intend to make a list of my favorite products in 2019. Let's just go to the first list.
1. Hada Labo Gokujyun Ultimate Moisturizing Cleansing Oil
Produk ini merupakan salah satu holy grailku. Aku pertama kali pakai produk ini di bulan Januari tahun 2019, dan sepanjang tahun lalu aku sudah menghabiskan kurang lebih 4 botol cleansing oil. Aku sudah pernah mereviewnya di Instagram disini, di blog belum pernah aku review karena ya kalian tahu lah, sebelumnya aku malas post di blog.
Kenapa aku suka ini? Karena harganya sangat affordable, untuk produk berukuran 100ml, harganya cuma Rp 63.000. Saat dipakai pun juga enak, mampu menghempas makeup waterproof dan pastinya gak meninggalkan residu. Finish setelah pakai produk ini juga enak banget, kulit jadi terasa lembut dan jerawat/beruntusan seperti menghilang seketika.
This product is one of my holy grail. I first used this product in January 2019, and over the past year I've used up about 4 bottles of this cleansing oil. I've reviewed it on Instagram here, I haven't reviewed it on the blog because you know, I was too lazy to post on the blog.
Why do I like this? Because the price is very affordable, for a 100ml product, the price is only Rp 63,000 (around $4). Even when used, it is also lightweight, capable of flinging waterproof makeup and certainly not leaving residue. Finish after using this product is also really good, the skin feels soft and pimples/zits like disappearing instantly.
This product is one of my holy grail. I first used this product in January 2019, and over the past year I've used up about 4 bottles of this cleansing oil. I've reviewed it on Instagram here, I haven't reviewed it on the blog because you know, I was too lazy to post on the blog.
Why do I like this? Because the price is very affordable, for a 100ml product, the price is only Rp 63,000 (around $4). Even when used, it is also lightweight, capable of flinging waterproof makeup and certainly not leaving residue. Finish after using this product is also really good, the skin feels soft and pimples/zits like disappearing instantly.
2. Hada Labo Gokujyun Ultimate Moisturizing Face Wash
Masih dari Hada Labo nih, sepertinya tahun ini tahunnya Hada Labo. Di tahun ini aku banyak coba produk-produk Hada Labo, sepertinya telat banget ya. Aku baru merasakan gimana enaknya di kulitku. Produk-produk Hada Labo sukses bikin aku suka karena sangat membantu saat kulitku dehidrasi dan gak bisa dikendalikan. Aku belum mereview produk ini, tapi akan aku usahakan secepat mungkin.
Still from Hada Labo, it seems this year is Hada Labo's year. This year I tried a lot of Hada Labo products, it seems so late. I just felt how good it is on my skin. Hada Labo's products have made me happy because they really help when my skin is dehydrated and can't be controlled. I haven't reviewed this product yet, but I'll try as soon as possible.
Still from Hada Labo, it seems this year is Hada Labo's year. This year I tried a lot of Hada Labo products, it seems so late. I just felt how good it is on my skin. Hada Labo's products have made me happy because they really help when my skin is dehydrated and can't be controlled. I haven't reviewed this product yet, but I'll try as soon as possible.
3. Hada Labo Gokujyun Ultimate Moisturizing Lotion
Kalian jangan bosan ya kalau banyak menemukan produk Hada Labo di list ini, karena aku lagi addict banget sama Hada Labo. Aku juga suka produk lotion Hada Labo dari seri Gokujyun ini karena lembapnya dapet banget. Gak heran kalau ini menjadi hydrating toner favorit cewek Indonesia, harganya aja murah dan kualitasnya bagus. Di kulitku yang berminyak, produk ini juga gak membuat kulitku makin minyakan. Aku belum mereview produk ini, aku akan segera mengupload reviewnya. Please wait for it.
Don't be bored if you find a lot of Hada Labo products on this list, because I'm really addicted to Hada Labo. I also like the Hada Labo lotion product from the Gokujyun series because it gets so moist. I'm not surprised if this is a favorite hydrating toner for Indonesian girls, the price is cheap and the quality is good. On my oily skin, this product also doesn't make my skin more oily. I haven't reviewed this product, I will immediately upload the review. Please wait for it.
Kalian jangan bosan ya kalau banyak menemukan produk Hada Labo di list ini, karena aku lagi addict banget sama Hada Labo. Aku juga suka produk lotion Hada Labo dari seri Gokujyun ini karena lembapnya dapet banget. Gak heran kalau ini menjadi hydrating toner favorit cewek Indonesia, harganya aja murah dan kualitasnya bagus. Di kulitku yang berminyak, produk ini juga gak membuat kulitku makin minyakan. Aku belum mereview produk ini, aku akan segera mengupload reviewnya. Please wait for it.
Don't be bored if you find a lot of Hada Labo products on this list, because I'm really addicted to Hada Labo. I also like the Hada Labo lotion product from the Gokujyun series because it gets so moist. I'm not surprised if this is a favorite hydrating toner for Indonesian girls, the price is cheap and the quality is good. On my oily skin, this product also doesn't make my skin more oily. I haven't reviewed this product, I will immediately upload the review. Please wait for it.
4. Etude House Sunprise Mild Airy Finish
Di tahun 2019 aku banyak nyoba sunscreen, termasuk sunscreen ini. Berawal dari keracunan Liah Yoo, jadi suka banget sampai ini masuk ke daftar holy grailku. Aku suka dengan finishnya yang matte dan ada sedikit whitecast sehingga membuat kulit terlihat cerah dan gak berlebihan. Aku sudah pernah mereview produk ini di Instagram disini dan di blog disini.
In 2019 I tried a lot of sunscreens, including this sunscreen. Starting from Liah Yoo's influencing power, so really liked it until it entered the list of my holy grail. I like the matte finish and the whitecast, which makes the skin look bright and not overdo. I've reviewed this product on Instagram here and on the blog here.
Baca Juga: Etude House Sunprise Mild Airy Finish
Di tahun 2019 aku banyak nyoba sunscreen, termasuk sunscreen ini. Berawal dari keracunan Liah Yoo, jadi suka banget sampai ini masuk ke daftar holy grailku. Aku suka dengan finishnya yang matte dan ada sedikit whitecast sehingga membuat kulit terlihat cerah dan gak berlebihan. Aku sudah pernah mereview produk ini di Instagram disini dan di blog disini.
In 2019 I tried a lot of sunscreens, including this sunscreen. Starting from Liah Yoo's influencing power, so really liked it until it entered the list of my holy grail. I like the matte finish and the whitecast, which makes the skin look bright and not overdo. I've reviewed this product on Instagram here and on the blog here.
Baca Juga: Etude House Sunprise Mild Airy Finish
5. Hada Labo Shirojyun Ultimate Whitening Milk
Produk ini merupakan produk Hada Labo dari seri Shirojyun kedua yang aku coba setelah face washnya. So far, aku suka dengan efek cerah yang diberikan produk ini meskipun progressnya lambat. Yang paling aku suka sih, kulitku jadi gak mudah terlihat kusam meskipun aku gak pakai bedak atau apapun setelah memakai produk ini. Aku sudah pernah mereview produk ini di Instagramku, bisa langsung klik disini untuk baca reviewnya.
This product is a Hada Labo product from the second Shirojyun series that I tried after the face wash. So far, I like the bright effect this product has given even though the progress is slow. The one I like the most, my skin doesn't look dull easily even though I don't use powder or anything after using this product. I've reviewed this product on my Instagram, can just click here to read the review.
6. Some By Mi AHA BHA PHA 30 Days Miracle Toner
Ini exfoliating toner pertama yang work di aku. Meskipun hasilnya lama-lama biasa aja, tapi aku terbantu banget karena gak perlu menggosok kulitku dengan scrub yang kasar untuk menghilangkan sel-sel kulit mati. Aku sudah pernah mereview produk ini di Instagram disini dan di blog disini.
This is the first exfoliating toner that works for me. Even though the results are normal for a long time, I really helped because I didn't need to scrub my skin with a rough scrub to get rid of dead skin cells. I've reviewed this product on Instagram here and on the blog here.
Baca Juga: Some By Mi AHA BHA PHA 30 Days Miracle Toner
Ini exfoliating toner pertama yang work di aku. Meskipun hasilnya lama-lama biasa aja, tapi aku terbantu banget karena gak perlu menggosok kulitku dengan scrub yang kasar untuk menghilangkan sel-sel kulit mati. Aku sudah pernah mereview produk ini di Instagram disini dan di blog disini.
This is the first exfoliating toner that works for me. Even though the results are normal for a long time, I really helped because I didn't need to scrub my skin with a rough scrub to get rid of dead skin cells. I've reviewed this product on Instagram here and on the blog here.
Baca Juga: Some By Mi AHA BHA PHA 30 Days Miracle Toner
7. Verile Acne Gel
Aku menemukan produk ini di pertengahan tahun 2019 sebagai ganti Acnol Lotion ku yang habis. Aku suka dengan efek cooling dan calmingnya, meskipun butuh waktu agak lama untuk mengempeskan jerawat. Aku juga suka karena gak membuat kulit/area yang berjerawat menjadi kering. Aku sudah pernah mereview produk ini di Instagram disini dan blog disini.
I found this product in the middle of 2019 in exchange for my Acnol Lotion which has run out. I like the effect of cooling and calming, although it takes a while to get rid of pimples. I also like it because it doesn't make skin/zit area dry. I've reviewed this product on Instagram here and the blog here.
Baca Juga: Verile Acne Gel
8. Jumiso First Skin Brightening Face Mask
Masker dari Jumiso ini berhasil membuatku jatuh cinta karena after effectnya yang menurutku sangat luar biasa. Setelah memakai sheet mask ini, aku merasa kulitku menjadi lebih cerah, lembap dan kenyal. Aku sudah pernah menulis reviewnya di Instagram disini dan di blog disini.
This Jumiso's mask succeeded in making me fall in love because of its after effect which I thought was extraordinary. After wearing this sheet mask, I feel my skin becomes brighter, moist and supple. I've written a review on Instagram here and on the blog here.
Baca Juga: Jumiso First Skin Brightening Face Mask
9. Nourish Acne Plast
Ini produk favoritku yang baru selama tahun 2019 karena mampu membuat jerawat cepat kempes dan isinya terserap tanpa meninggalkan bekas. Karena produknya sudah habis dan aku belum repurchase, jadi gak ada di foto. Tapi aku sudah pernah mereview produknya di Instagram disini dan di blog disini.
This is my new favorite product in 2019 because it can make pimples go flat and pimple absorbed without leaving any dark spot. Because the product is gone and I haven't repurchased it, so it's not in the photo. But I've reviewed the product on Instagram here and on the blog here.
Baca Juga: Nourish Acne Plast
Yap, itu aja produk favoritku selama 2019. Isinya skincare semua karena aku gak coba makeup di tahun 2019, jadi aku gak memasukkan makeup ke daftar favorit. Kalau kalian apa nih produk favorit kalian selama 2019? Ceritakan di kolom komentar ya.
Terima kasih sudah membaca postingan ini sampai selesai. See you on my next post, bye.
Yep, that's all my favorite products for 2019. The contents are all skincare because I didn't try many makeup in 2019, so I didn't put makeup on my favorite list. What are your favorite products for 2019? Tell me in the comments box below.
Thank you for reading this post to the end. See you on my next post, bye.
With love,
Aku malah belum pernah coba produk Hada Labo. Penasaran sih. Dan ternyata murah juga ya..
BalasHapusCobain yuk mbak. Iya nih, Hada Labo termasuk affordable banget.